Rabu, 31 Juli 2013


     The Role of Communication and Information Technologyin the Implementation of Online Distance Education in IndonesiaPreliminaryDistance education is a set of methods of teaching where teaching activities carried out separately from the learning activities. Separation of these activities can be both physical distance, such as teaching participants residing far from the location of educational institutions. Separation distance can also be non-physical in the form of emergency situation where a person who lived near the location of educational institutions but can not be participating in learning activities at the institution. Separation of the activities of teaching and learning activities is a typical characteristic of distance education.Distance education system is an alternative to equal opportunities in education. This system can overcome some of the problems caused due to non-availability of qualified teachers. The education system is training teachers and learners should not be in the same geographical environment.The purpose of this system development, among others, to implement the applications of web-based distance education on the websites of distance education which developed in the working environment in Indonesia together with other partners.     In sederaha understood the system consists of a collection of applications that can be used as a tool in distance education activities to the delivery of distance education materials that can be done well.Supporting facilities of distance education is information technology. Emerging information and communication technologies in distance education is very helpful at all. As can be seen, with the advent of online education, either formal or non-formal, using the facilities Internet.Pendekatan teaching system that can be done is by direct instruction (real time) or by way of using the system as a concentration of knowledge ( knowledge)..    This allows the formation of an opportunity for anyone to participate in various levels of education. A graduate can go on to graduate school online to one of the colleges of interest.
Distance Education SystemAlthough technology is an integral part of distance education, but education programs should focus on the instructional needs of students, rather than the technology itself. Need also to be considered, age, culture, socioeconomic background, interests, experience, education level, and familiar with distance education methods. Important factor for the success of the distance education system is a concern, confident teachers, experience, easy to use equipment, creative use of tools, and to establish interaction with students.On systems development need to be considered on the design and development of systems, interactivity, active learning, visual imagery, and effective communication. Design and development of systems.instructional development process for distance education, comprising the steps of design, development, evaluation, and revision. In designing distance education instruction effective, must be considered, not just goals, needs, and characteristics of faculty and students, but also the needs of the content and technical barriers that may occur. Revisions were made based on feedback from instructors, specialized content producers, and students during the running process.Interactivity. The success of distance education systems among others are determined by the interaction between teachers and students, between students and the educational environment, and between students.Active learning. Active participation of the participants of distance education affects how they relate to the material to be studied.    Visual imagery. Learning through television can motivate and stimulate the desire in the learning process. But lest distortion due to entertainment. Penseleksian must exist between information that is not useful with the quality, and determine which ones are not worth it, identifying deviations, distinguishing facts from which not a fact, and understand how technology can provide quality information.Effective communication. Instructional design begins with understanding user expectations, and to know them as individuals who have a different view of the system designer. By understanding the user's demand, it can be built an effective communication.

BY : Arief  Akbar Soeharto

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